

Advanced dashboard with multiple excellent statistics and widget

Role & Permission

Unlimited User Role and Permission to assign user roles

Backend & Frontend Theme

Integrated Theme concept for backend and front-end

Frontend Website

Integrated Frond-end website with enable and disable settings

Page Maker

Page Maker module cms in backend


Multiple Advanced charts for account, users, payments, income, attendance and many more..

Student information

Manage and track all students information

Student Group

Admin can create student's group

Parent information

Manage and track all parents information

Teacher information

Manage and track all teachers information

User Management

Complete user management with role and permission assignment

Online Payment

PayPal, Stripe & PayUmoney integrated with the management system

Grading System

Their is a advanced grading system integrated in our system.

Exam Management

Exam settings, grade, mark, schedule and Exam attendance can be manage via our exam management system

Mark Manage

Advanced Marking system for users so that they can give and manage marks very smoothly

Mark Percentage

Multiple Type mark giving system like attendance mark, exam etc. these can be enable/disable by admin.

Import Data

Bulk Import data using csv like student, users, books, teachers, parents etc

Academic Settings

Users can manage class, section, routine, subject & all academic matter from academic section


Teachers can make assignment for student and manage them smoothly


Multiple user attendance like teachers, students & stuff. Teachers can make attendance for student and see report of every student attendance

Account, Invoice & Payments

Privileged users can manage invoice & payments


Privileged users can create exam & class schedule for students

Email & SMS

Privileged users can send email and sms to any user or user group

Library Management

Complete Library management system integrated with the system so that librarian can manage library books easily

Transport Management

Complete transport management system for users can handle transport easily

Hostel Management

Complete hostel management system for users can handle hostel easily


Privileged users Promote student from one class to another

Media Sharing

Privileged users can share files & media to each others.


Privileged users set holiday from settings of organisation

Event Management

Privileged users can announce events

Notice Management

Privileged users can announce notice

4 types of Gateway

Clicktell, BulkSMS, Twilio & Indian sms gateway MSG91


PayPal integrated, users can pay online via PayPal


Stripe integrated, users can pay via Stripe


India's Most popular payment gateway PayUmoney Integrated, So now indian clients can take payment via PayUmoney

14 Different Language

We have translated our system in 14 different languages

Academic Year

Privileged users can set academic year/session and can manage them easily


Teachers & Privileged users manage class syllabus


Advance reporting system for hole database

Messaging System

Private and group messaging system for all users


Privilege User Can take backup of data


Administrator can manage system every settings options from this module, like payment settings, sms settings, mark settings, system settings and many more

Auto Invoice

Automatically generate invoice for library, transport, hostel.

Mail & Sms Template

Advance email/sms template manager

Reset Password

Reset password of any user is now very easy

Visitor Management

Visitor pass management with web cam integration

Complain Management

Users can add complain about anything to authority

Online Examination

Teacher can take exam online and student can perticipate online

Question Group

For online exam admin or teacher can manage question group

Question Level

For online exam admin or teacher can manage question label

Question Bank

Teacher can manage question bank for online exam


Teacher or admin can create exam instructions for student and student will these instructions before give online exam

Take Exam

Student can give exam online which is made by teachers

PayRoll Management

Admin can manage stuff payroll system with overtime part also

Global Payment

Admin & Accountant can manage payment

Salary Template

Admin can manage stuff salary template

Hourly Template

Admin can manage stuff hourly template

Manage Salary

Admin can manage stuff salary like adding template to stuffs etc

Make Payment

Admin/Accountant can make payment to stuff

Asset Management

Admin can manage school assets.


Admin can manage asset vendors.

Asset Locations

Admin can manage school assets locations.

Asset Category

Asset category is for adding assets


Admin can add or manage assets.

Asset Assignment

Admin can assign assets to users or places.


Admin can purchase assets from vendors.

Certificate Template

Admin can create/manage student certificate templates for generating certificate


Admin can generate student certificate report using certificate template


Admin can create/manage supplier information


Admin can create/manage warehouse


Admin and Accountant can sale product like : tai, cap etc..

Leave Apply

Any user can apply for leave

Leave Application

Leave Application only aprove by admin or only permitted user


Admin can create/manage post for frontend


Admin can manage menu management for frontend

Online Admission

Outside student can apply for admission

E-Mail Setting

Admin can manage for email, SMTP or Send mail


Admin can generate 50+ report for school